If the audience is made of people that use written language from LEFT to RIGHT, then the starting scene should pan in the opposite direction to accommodate the natural movement of their eyes.
The colour of the sky keeps changing back to a lighter hue - inconsistency
I believe that in our animatic (below) the Mini was not placed right.
Working on different layers usually prevents mistakes like that.
Correct way:
Mini/Small should be placed under the hand layer so that the finger covers it slightly and looks like it's standing in the middle of the palm
Below: Scale is different
Mini below has to be smaller OR Mini above has to be bigger
In regards to story:
The Mini/Small is surprised by the Big's stature because it's not what they expected, but there is no follow up. I believe that having no visible disappointment or a reaction to that discovery is unrealistic.
The showing of the Midi is confusing as it looks nothing like either the Big or the Mini/Small and has no similar colour palette (audience will have no clue what that is or where it comes from) - may be better to remove it completely.
Where does the flower come from?
The ending is different from group storyboard. Happy with the unexpected change though, as the previous ending, within the context of our story, seemed a bit morally on the edge.
Animatic inspired by Nuala's work below:
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