Friday 6 January 2017

Monday 2 January 2017

Classroom observations: 1st semester

I loved Beata's colours in these sketches, thought it made the trees look like candy↓

Michael's work (below ↓) always seemed to be very beautiful. He has a simple style that manages to catch the essence of the scene. I believe the details he does put in are very effective.
Above right↑ from Darcy's colour week. I was always very fond of the watercolour+ ink combination and her sketch is like a child's dream. Love it!
Below↓ Alistair's colour work makes me think of vintage futuristic postcards. I like the technical execution
Below↓ I didn't write down who made it but mainly because I stared at it so hard, it got my full attention and forgot to listen. I was very impressed with it
Leanna the awesome's work ↓

Maggie + Michael + Clare's animatic ↓
I thought it was very skillfully made and really felt its intention

Nuala + Bradley + Erin's animatic ↓
It's fun and skillful, love love love it! 
